
  New and Developing Technologies 04
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New and Developing Technologies 08
New and Developing Technologies 10
Agenda and talks
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New and Developing Technologies for Genetic Diagnostics '10


Over the two days the meeting was attended by 132 delegates with representatives from diagnostics, research and the various sponsoring companies. In total 42 feedback forms were returned (32%). Many delegates defined their role as both diagnostics and research – for simplicity these have been listed under diagnostics for the chart below.




Delegates were asked to rate each session in terms of both relevance and interest on a scale of 1 to 5 (poor > excellent). The respondents and their responses are summarised below



General comments
“Excellent 2 days – well done!”
“Overall a very stimulating programme – thanks.”
“Well organised with a good variety of talks and interesting speakers.”
“Please do it again next year.”
“Opportunity for horizon scanning of technology and applications”
“I hope these meetings are able to continue in some form as they are excellent”
“Excellent meeting” (x3)
“Came as a clinician planning research - An excellent introduction to the state of diagnostics and research”
“Great meeting – many thanks”
“A thoroughly enjoyable meeting.”
“Excellent balance of technology and application.”
“A wonderful set of speakers – social side not bad either.”

Some specific comments about…
“Shame about the building noise.”
“The drilling was most unfortunate.”
“Noisy with building going on, bad lighting.”
Response: We can only apologise for the disruption caused by the building work, which was certainly an issue on the first day.
“The level of lighting was very poor  …difficult to make notes in the margins.”
'Room to dark on left had side to make notes.”
Response: Lighting levels are adjustable. We will pay more attention to this in future.
“Exhibition/food/drinks a little cramped.”
“Would have like WiFi access.”
Response: WiFi access is actually available but obviously we have to bring this to peoples attention
“Don’t have a sit down meal in the evening it inhibits circulation and mixing.”
“More focus on the applications of techniques in NHS setting.”
“Maybe more on bioinformatics, rather than just stating the need for it in the future.”
“Maybe lacked discussion on the ethical side of next generation sequencing.”
“More focus on the applications of techniques in NHS setting.”
“Timings not great - some 15min, some 20min etc…no time for questions.”
Response: Thank you for all your comments. These will be taken in to consideration for any future meetings.
“ It would be very helpful to have all talks available online.”
Response: Agenda and talks


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Agenda and talks

Last Updated: 3 August, 2010 by G.Watkins
© 2006 National Genetics Reference Laboratory (Wessex), Salisbury District Hospital, Salisbury SP2 8BJ; Tel: +44 (0)1722 429080; E-mail:ncpc@soton.ac.uk