NGRL hosts next-gen workshop at BSHG 2010

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NGRL Manchester hosted a workshop entitled ‘Next Generation Sequencing and Clinical Genetics: A Beginner’s Guide’, which took place at the BSHG’s British Human Genetics Conference at the University of Warwick in September. The workshop was well attended by conference delegates who enjoyed presentations from an expert line-up including John Burn (Newcastle), Howard Martin (Cambridge) and Chris Mattocks (Wessex).

The workshop provided an introduction to next generation sequencing and its role in clinical genetics at a basic level, as well as raising awareness of the key challenges that we now face and the issues that need to be addressed. We hope that those who attended enjoyed the session; the presentations from the workshop are available for download here.


The response we received at the workshop indicates that a number of scientists would be interested in further events on this topic. We are working to develop ideas for workshops that will address the differing needs of the diagnostic genetics community, and as we do so we would be very keen to hear from anyone who has specific ideas or requirements that could help to guide our progress. Please contact either Andrew Devereau ( or Kathryn Robertson ( with your comments.

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