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The Diagnostic Mutation Database (DMuDB) was established in 2005 by NGRL as a repository of diagnostic variant data, to support the diagnostic process in UK genetic testing laboratories. NGRL developed DMuDB in response to a need amongst UK laboratories for an easy and secure way to share variant data in order to support the interpretation of new variants and improve the quality and consistency of diagnoses. Access to DMuDB has now been extended to non-UK laboratories as a subscription service. The content of DMuDB consists only of variant data submitted by participating diagnostic laboratories.

Universal Browser

DMuDB data can be viewed using the Universal Browser - a graphical gene browser that displays variants from DMuDB, and a range of other databases, side by side.

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Find out more about DMuDB...

Watch a short video introduction [Flash Video]
What's in DMuDB?
Acceptable Use Policy

Accessing DMuDB

DMuDB for diagnostic laboratories


DMuDB for non-diagnostic purposes